Free eBook on Social Media & Blogging
I’ve been saying this for a while now and it’s nice to have such well known people back up my belief that your blog should be your social media hub. It’s nice because, well, it makes me look less crazy. Not that I’m crazy, or even look crazy. I don’t look crazy, do I? Anyhoo, […]
Someone tell Britt’s Donuts that they’re doing it wrong
**This was originally shared over the summer on Facebook (Like Meeeee!), but I thought it’d be good to share it here too. Someone tell Britt’s Donuts that they’re doing it wrong. No web page. They have Facebook ( Britts on Facebook ) & Twitter ( Britts Twitter ) but never update either one. But, hey… […]
Read More...A Positive Groupon Story
I saw this on TechCrunch yesterday and after all the bad Groupon nightmares I’ve mentioned on Twitter, I thought I should post this to balance things out. Here are a few things that stood out to me as I read the article and looked into the restaurant. Mr. Friedman is a tracking fiend. He tracks […]
YouTube – The Internet in 1969
YouTube – The Internet in 1969. via: http://www.neatorama.com/
Read More...There’s No Magic Bullet
Social Media, SEO, Location Based Marketing, TV, Radio, Newspaper, Billboards; no one piece is really going to make your marketing successful no matter what the experts say, and all of it mashed together will make you broke and insane. The real secret is to be awesome. Don’t bribe your customers to brag about you online. […]
Read More...Before You Pull The Trigger On A Groupon Deal
Facebook is launching their deals platform in the US today. If they can beat Groupon’s pricing structure and offer more flexibility for business owners, I think they’ve got a good shot at dominating this particular end of the market. Oh, before you think about a Groupon campaign, you should read this article: Entrepreneur.com :: Groupon […]
Read More...Email From A Client Today
We launched the site in January. After sending her a pdf version of her logo, I got the following email: “Thanks so much!!!! By the way, I’ve had a lot of compliments on the website! Love it!” I love it when people are happy because of the work I’ve done. Inner Strength Physical Therapy – […]
Read More...Killing My Yellow Page Ad
I *almost* did this last year, but allowed myself to get talked out of it. This year, however, is going to be different. A lot of people tell me I’m going to lose business. Honestly, the leads I’ve gotten from the Yellow Pages have ended up being low-to-no budget, so I feel that it’s running […]
Google Image Search
Typical Phone Conversation: Client: “Yeah, did you get the pictures I sent over?” Me: “Um, yes I did. A lot of them are kinda small. Where did you get them?” Client: “I got them from Google. You can just make them bigger, can’t you?” Me: “Well, not really. I can make something bigger smaller, but […]
Read More...Social Media Hiatus: Lessons Learned From 30 Days Away
Today I ended a self-imposed 30 day exile from Social Media. At first, it was hard to keep away from Facebook & Twitter and I won’t lie and say that it got any easier as time went by. However, I did learn a few important lessons. I rely on social media for information I really […]
Read More...Business Meditation: Caller ID Unknown
You call all the time, but never leave a message. You could be a potential client, but hiding your number makes me wonder if you are someone to be trusted & I make it a point to only work with people I can trust. Plus, telemarketers hide their numbers and we all hate those calls […]
Mozilla on How to Choose Strong Passwords
via Digital Inspiration Technology Blog As some of the comments on the Youtube page have pointed out, this does not work as some sites don’t allow non-alphanumeric passwords and limit the length to something ridiculous like 6 characters or less. Still, good to know.
Paul Rand
Paul Rand Retrospective from Jeremy Cox on Vimeo. (video found via Jack Nack on Adobe) With all the fuss over the new Gap logo this past week, I thought it would be a good idea to point everyone to the master, Paul Rand. Rand designed logos for IBM, ABC, UPS, NEXT Computers, Westinghouse and a […]
Wilmington, NC on Google Street View
That’s me looking like I just broke into my own truck on Google Street View. Man, how did I shut the door on my seat belt? Wilmington (as well as a heck of a lot of other places) has been added to Google Street View. Real Estate Agents, rejoice. Clicky Here