Category: Uncategorized

Scout Solutions Group – Private Investigators, Wilmington, Jacksonville, New Bern, Morehead City
‘Old clients with a new name and updated website. Scout Solutions Group – Private Investigators, Wilmington, Jacksonville, New Bern, Morehead City
New Website: The Posh Sloth
OK, so, yes it’s for my sister-in-law’s business, but don’t it look good?
Adobe Warns Against Old Versions of Creative Cloud Apps
Using old versions of Adobe software might just get you sued, but not by Adobe. Details at Vice: Adobe Tells Users They Can Get Sued for Using Old Versions of Photoshop Also: @KupoGames on Twitter
Generate AI Images in Microsoft Edge – Bing Image Creator
There’s a lot of debate (and legal action) over the ability to generate images with AI. No matter where things land, it appears the technology is here to stay as the cat is already out of the bag and running around making really weird stuff. If you want to begin to explore the technology without […]
Kingoff’s Spring Spot 2023
I’ve been doing spots for Kingoff’s for several years now. There’s not a lot of local businesses left that can honestly say they’ve been serving the community for three generations.
Insight Actors Studio, Atlanta, GA
I did a little behind the scenes WordPress maintenance on the Insight Actors Studio website as well as a comprehensive template update. If you’ve got a WordPress website, it’s extremely important to keep things up to date as security issues can pop up fairly easily. Things you should stay on top of include: Themes are […]
The Quest for the Perfect Drive-thru Experience
The ‘Rona is causing disruption in the restaurant industry and national chains are fine-tuning the drive-thru experience. FastCompany takes a look at the big players. The fact that they neglect to even mention Chick-Fil-A is an indication that this is less than exhaustive. Local restaurants surviving the pandemic have taken to curbside pickup (See Elizabeth’s […]
Read More...Innovate!
From client and construction leadership consultant Wally Adamchik, Now is not the Time to Hunker Down
Local Restaurants Face Staffing Shortages
Businesses that survive will be the ones that adapt and maybe even abandon what was “normal” in the past.
Dorothea Lange Digital Archive: The Incarceration of Japanese Americans
Dorothea Lange’s images of Japanese Americans incarcerated at internment camps during World War 2.
Ikea Catalogs Archive
My mother lived in Charlotte when they opened the first Ikea in North Carolina there. I think the closest one might have been in Atlanta before then. We went one morning to see what it was all about, expecting to spend maybe an hour or so. Later that afternoon, we finally emerged with our purchases […]
The UX of LEGO Interface Panels – George Cave
I remember some of these from my childhood in the 70’s. Also, George thinks a lot about LEGO Source: The UX of LEGO Interface Panels – George Cave
Read More...LinkedIn Algorithm Insights
Doing a little research for a client and came across this Hootsuite post from last year about the LinkedIn algorithm. The more you know….
Electric Wave
As you know, we love surf media here and this is just a beauty. Daniel Askill shot this at Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch and wow, it’s amazing.
If your email address looks like this, I’ve maybe got some bad news for you.
This is my son and the guitar he bought today from the Music Loft (even tho I did’t build their website, but that’s ok). He looked online, but we decided to support our local music store and #shoplocal. Money you spend with local business goes back into your community and helps keep us all from […]