Websites as Social Media Hubs
I’ve had a couple of conversations with clients in the past few weeks that started with, “Do I even need a website? I’ve just been doing Facebook.” and ends with my standard speech I’ve titled “Social Media Should Point People To Your Website, Not The Other Way Around.” Please allow me to explain in an […]
Read More...Fake Apple Support Calls
Forbes is reporting a warning about fake Apple support calls. People need better hobbies.
Movie Poster Design
A brief (well, 10 minute brief) take on the design and history of movie posters via James Verdesoto and Vanity Fair
Read More...Killed By Google
“Do I really need a website?” I get this question from time to time and my answer is always, “Yes!” – not because this is my bread and butter, but because I really believe that you do. Yeah, the Internet is full of all sorts of very useful tools and social media is, no doubt, […]
SNL Behind the Scenes: Cue Cards
Two of my favorite things: Design and Television production.
Read More...Instagram Hiding Posts?
I am, by no means, not a master of Instagram. However, I know a social media false info campaign when I see one…
Read More...Restaurant Websites
I love doing restaurant websites because they have a built in easily organized content that is super great for search engines and customers. Unfortunately, as easy as it is to do it right, it’s just as easy to get it wrong and there’s one thing that makes me absolutely crazy and it’s the menu. When […]
SVG Animations
I’ve been carving out time for exploration and learning new skills this year. Most of that has been spent developing my skills in Illustrator further, but I’ve been working on some coding things as well. I came across some javascript animation frameworks and settled on anime.js as the one I wanted to work with because […]
Happy New Year!
There’s still some businesses that haven’t returned and a lot of those blue tarps across our neighborhoods. In Pender County there’s still people’s lives sitting in piles on the side of the road while they live in campers & trailers. We’re still not quite at 100% yet. Heck, one of the elevators in the Market […]
Read More...Instagram, Millennials, & Blanding
I came across this article on FastCo. about why there’s a cluster of brands on Instagram that all look alike: a simple line of products with clean, clear design and branding. Detractors refer to this as “blanding”, but the prophet of good modern design, Dieter Rams, says that the best design is as little design […]
Free Tool for Removing Backgrounds
remove.bg is a free online tool that removes backgrounds from your image and returns it to you in a .png format. It works pretty well, but the maximum height or width will be a low-ish 500 pixels and the other dimension will be proportional. If you’re viewing this on a desktop or laptop, you can […]
Marc Edwards Vector Icon Speedruns
Part of the fun of being a designer is learning new things and it’s amazing what one can learn just from watching another designer work. While it’s hard to get time to visit someone’s studio, watching them work online is the next best thing. I spent an afternoon watching these Illustrator icon speed runs by […]
Virtual Instagram Influencer
Meet Miquela, the Instagram fashion/social cause influencer who is completely virtual. While some of us struggle to break the one thousand mark, she has no fewer than 572 thousand followers. I imagine that current fashion is a lot more popular than muffler installations or lunch specials, so we’ve got that to comfort us. There’s an […]
Occasionally I Forget I Have a Website Blog
It tends to happen to me a lot that I forget that I have a blog that I need to be posting to. When I’m pitching ideas to clients, I always say, “If you’re not going to update it, then don’t even have it.” Ah, physician, heal thyself. But here I am late at night […]
Logos Drawn From Memory
I saw this great post at signs.com which made a lot of interesting points about how & what we remember about logos. The Burger King logo was especially fascinating because of which logo was drawn most frequently. Logos are a personal pet peeve of mine. The most iconic of logos really don’t change much over […]
Photoshop Content Aware Fill Hack
I usually hate these tutorial videos, but I found this was really useful. They tell you how to control what the content-aware fill samples for the fill by copying it to another layer. Very Smart.
Z Rack Whiteboards
This is a great, flexible DIY solution to limited wall space. Found via Core77